Monday, December 29, 2008

new moon outside reading

This morning i read more from my New Moon book again I am really enjoying it though. Bella was going home from this restraunt and it was pouring rain and very dark so the driving conditions were really bad but she started thinking about last night and she started going crazy hitting her head on the stearing wheel, and driving recklessly. Until all of a sudden she stopped in front of this house with these two motercycles that she thought looked like they could be fixed up so she went up to the house and the people told her she could just have them. So she took them over to Jacob's house because she knew that he knew how to fix cars so she told him about the motercycles and he agreed happily to fixing them up.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

outside reading

I started reading new moon which is the second book in the twilight series. The part i read was about Charlie telling Bella that she needs to go out more and that she needs to stop mourning Edward. Charlie yelled at Bella one night at dinner and told her she needs to stop trying so hard to do nothing. Bella got mad and that night she went out with her friend Jessica whom she didnt like very much but it was the only person she thought would hang out with her. They hung out that night and went to a movie and dinner afterwards but on the way to dinner Bella expierienced something weird. Her and Jessica were walking past this bar where there were no street lights and they saw these guys coming out of the bar. She suddenly stopped and slowly walked twords the four creepy men, stopping every step wondering what was attracting her tword the men. The men started talking to her and she snapped out of her craziness halfway she then turned around and ran back to jessica who watched the whole thing in fright. Bella wondered what caused her to do that. The whole ride home she couldn't stop thinking about Edward though because that experience reminded her of him.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

outside reading

A couple days ago i read an article in the newspaper about the counting of the ballots and with the amount of ballots counted shows that Norm Coleman is in the lead but with all of the bad ballots that will be looked at doesn't look good for Norm. Al Franken is fighting to win and may still have a chance at the win. The people counting ballots are very tired of all the ballot counting and have realized that there are alot of things that can be changed and fixed in the election process to keep this from happening again but for now they just need to hang in there and finish counting the ballots.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Extremely loud and incredibly close

I just started the book Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Foer. I love this book because it is so descriptive and that makes it more interesting and hard to put down. The one thing about this book though is that it is a little hard to follow but I'm hoping that twords the end of the book it will all start to make sense. The book has started out confusing but for me thats good because it keeps me wondering what it has to do with the book.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

hip hop heroes

Hip Hop Heroes
Hip Hop is very popular with the youth right now but how popular is it with the adults and parents. Is it good or bad? How does it effect our society? Is all of the music degrading to women, about drugs, or about violence? While collecting information on this I realized that the two groups i could divide the information into are: Positive Influences and Negative influences.

Positive Influences

Will Smith went from a stereotyped negative influence rapper to an inspirational actor.

"I'm fascinated by rap and by hip-hop. I think there's a lot of poetry in it. There's a lot of anger, a lot of social energy in it. And I think you'd better listen to it pretty carefully, 'cause it's important."
John F. Kerry
This proves that hip hop is not only listened to and understood by the "thugs" as some people call them but it affects major politicians too.

This song shows that not all hip hop/rap songs are degrading to women, encouraging drugs, and violence. This song is out there to keep listeners informed and thinking about the recent news.

Negative Influences

With album covers continuing to look like this parents will only continue to dislike hip hop.

This shows how the stereotypes that hip hop/rap music has on drugs are actual facts.

“I hate rap music, which to me sounds like a bunch of angry men shouting, possibly because the person who was supposed to provide them with a melody never showed up"
Dave Barry

This shows that how the type of music is sung influences people's views on that kind of music.

“There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that rap music spurs violence."
John Norton

The talk about gangs and about violence in the songs lead people to believe that thats all it's about.

This concludes that hip hop has had a major influence on many people whether positive or negative it has affected our society. Hip hop is known by many people and it gives alot of people careers, emotions, something to listen to or talk about and many others. Dont judge a book by its cover.

Monday, October 20, 2008

outside reading #4

This time i read the last half of love and kindness. This section does a great job giving you ways on how you can succede in life. If there is one section that someone was going to read i would definitaly say that this section is the one to read. It helps my with my relationships with friends and girls. Ever since i started reading this book my relationships have bettered which is a great thing because people like me more which helps me feel better about myself.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

outside reading 3

I read the Love and Kindness section in Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul. This is my favorite section so far. It had great lessons this section will be helpful for years to come. "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle" pg 110. When I read this i thought about it and i was surprised to find out that it is really true. When you meet new people you should always be nice because what if they really are going through a hard time you wouldn't want to offend them. "What's important in life is how we treat each other" pg 138. If you think about this you live only because the people around you allow you to live. I recomend this book to everyone.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

outside reading

Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul is now my favorite book. While reading this book I realized I'm not the only one who has problems. I learn about all these people that I dont even know, yet their stories are so interesting. This book is so cool because i learn so much about it. "There are always two choices, two paths to take. One is easy. And it's only reward is that it's easy" pg 97. This quote helped me look at things differently. Instead of always trying to find the easiest way out i do what i have to, to get something done and do a good job. "If God can work through me, he can work through anyone" pg 102. This guote helped me with my faith journey and will always be there to remind myself that god is there you just have to look for him.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Chicken soup for the teenage soul

Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul by Jack Canfeild, Mark Hanson, and Kimberly Kirberger is the book i'm reading. This is a very good book and I just love it so far. It has a lot of life lessons such as "let the process happen, trust that nature will do the healing" pg 3. This book is nice because it tells me alot about realationships and friendships and other things. It helps me know what to do around a girl i like too. lol. This is a good recreational book. I highly recommend it for everyone. When I first got it i thought only the girls read it but its a good book so I even think all the guys should go out and get it to read.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

good book

A book that I recently read is "The Book Theif" by Markus Zusak. This book is about a girl who lives in europe during WWII and her family is hiding a Jewish man in the cellar. This man in the basement knows how to read but this little girl doesn't. She is so interested in reading so shes always going down there and trying to learn how to read and once she learns she falls in love with it. She starts to steal books from the library to read. One day when she got home from school her mom was sitting at the table crying and when she asked what had happened and her mom said, "they took him." So she starts crying and runs away.